Madonna and Child
1. Half of the 20th Century
oil painting on canvas
dimensions 55 x 45 cm
If desired, the old framework is provided for free.
Modern version of the painting by Albrecht Durer (1472 - 1528), Madonna with the pear slice, created 1512 in Nuremberg. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum.
The paintings shown here is limited to the representation of the two main characters in a closely held shot. An intimate togetherness of mother and child shapes the image, which was probably intended as a devotional picture for a private room. The sparingly used colors (blue, beige, gold and black) are of fine luminosity. Blue is the color of Christ. Mary is often shown in a blue coat with a red robe. Dürer gave Mary a blue dress to show their complete solidarity with Jesus. In the left hand is holding the baby Jesus a pear slice. Usually the infant Jesus holding an apple in his hand when it is presented with Mary. This symbolizes that Jesus takes away the sins of the world upon himself. As in the Bible but only "fruit" and not "apple" stands, Dürer took this picture at the "freedom" to paint a portion of a pear instead of an apple.