Bickel-Schultheiss, Joles (1905 Frankfurt / Main - 1988 Ampermoching / Dachau) actually Karl Ludwig Bickel, later adopted the stage name Joles Bickel-Schultheiss. Studied at the Frankfurt Academy, Städelsches Institut with Max Beckmann and Georg Kolbe. Bickel-Schultheiss cultivated contacts with the contemporary art scene (Max Pechstein, Carl Hofer etc.). Disappointed by the limited opportunities to live and work during the National Socialist regime, he left Berlin in the post-war period and retired first to Deutenhofen and then to Hackermoos. Joins the group of the "Red Riders". Bickel-Schultheiss painted with broad brushstrokes in a fast, expressive way of painting, mostly with tempera paints, rarely in oil. The painter, described by contemporary witnesses as a highly sensitive individualist and absolute artist, tended to frequently overpaint his pictures, which he often signed with the pseudonymous "Troffac" because he did not consider his signature to be important.
Lit .: Brochure for the commemorative exhibition on the 10th year of death: “The last great expressionist”, Haimhausen, 9./10. May 1988.